Product name:uPA-Actibind ELISA Kit
uPA-Actibind ELISA Kit is an enzyme which functions as an activator of the fibrinolytic enzyme system. Its ability to lyse fibrin clots makes it useful as an effective thrombolytic agent in the management of a variety of clinical disease states including pulmonary embolism and localized thrombosis. Urokinase is synthesized by and released from numerous cell types including endothelial cells, kidney cells and macrophages. Several malignant tumors, especially those of the urogenital and gastrointestinal tracts, have been shown to produce increased quantities of urokinase. uPA-Actibind ELISA Kit exists in three major forms: enzymatically inactive single chain urokinase or pro-urokinase (scu-PA), enzymatically active two chain urokinase (tcu-PA) and urokinase-inhibitor complexes. scu-PA circulates in plasma at a concentration of 1-2 ng/mL and is converted to tcu-PA in vivo by the action of plasmin and kallikrein. Each form of u-PA displays a different activity, different affinities for Glu-plasminogen, and different rates of inhibition by plasma protease inhibitors.
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