Methyl animal oil acid ester is light yellow transparant oil liquid at room temperature.The melting point is 13.4℃.It is soluble in alcohol , gasoline and other organic solvents but insoluble in water.It is used in the synthesis of cosmetics, detergent intermediates, spice, essence, lubricating materials, and so on.
Methyl animal oil acid ester is a sort of light yellow transparant oil liquid at room temperature. The melting point of methyl animal oil acid ester is 13.4℃.It can soluble in alcohol , gasoline and other organic solvents but insoluble in water. Methyl animal oil acid ester is widely used in the synthesis of cosmetics, detergent intermediates, spice, essence, lubricating materials, and so on.
Methyl animal oil acid ester are used indirectly in a wide range of food, pharmaceutical, cosmetic and industrial applications. Significant volumes of these materials are shipped regularly by sea and care needs to be taken to avoid contamination with noxious materials that could effect the safety of the final product and effect the processing of the oleochemical itself. Methyl esters so produced are used in various analytical procedures requiring such derivatives, e.g. gas-liquid chromatography (GC), thin-layer chromatography (TLC), and infrared spectrometry (IR).
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