
The uses about Allylestrenol

Allylestrenol was designed to be used for miscarriage prevention, prevention of premature labour and has been investigated for possible use in men for treatment for benign prostatic hyperplasia.The pharmacological actions of Allylestrenol are very similar to naturally occurring progesterone. It prepares the uterus for receiving the fertilized ovum and makes the endometrial lining thicker. Thus it supports implantation to sustain pregnancy. Uterine motility is suppressed by the action of Allylestrenol which helps in the maintenance of pregnancy.

There is often a fall in the level of placental hormones during premature termination of pregnancy.Allylestrenol stimulates the production and promotes the secretion of placental hormones (H.C.G, human placental lactogen, estrogens and progesterone) and oxytocinase in patients with pregnancies at risk.

Readmore:Allylestrenol online

